Clear Your Headspace
For Peace & joy

I am a highly trained and compassionate

mental health professional dedicated

to helping you achieve your goals to live your best life.

Heal. Grow. Transform.

I can help you regain control of your life and find your joy again. Here are a  few specific ways I can help.

Ask A Therapist


Reach Me

A handy way to
get treatment:

One-on-one personalized therapy services.  

Group setting where people with unique but similar situations meet to exchange ideas.  You are not alone.  

To my fellow mental health therapists, I can supervise (in certain states).  

Your Mental health is my number one priority

Everyone deserves treatment for their mental health, including you. 

I believe in you. Recognizing that I am a human who has overcome struggles makes me believe that you can overcome your obstacles as well.

I can hear patterns in what you tell me. I will also gently inform you of these patterns, even negative ones. And I will work with you on what you choose to do about the pattern that has been identified.

I care. With that caring attitude I want you to get the help you need in an adequate time. I do not intend to string you along. We will work towards the goals you set.  Then you will be free to work with the skills and/or new mindset in your world. If you need to return, it’s ok. But the hope is that you do well out in the world.

  • Shakea “Kea” Roper, LSCSW, LCSW

    Founder of Cleared Headspace


Lets Get Started

Still Unsure?

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year”.  That’s a whopping 21%.  NAMI continues, ” The average delay between onset of mental illness symptoms and treatment is 11 years”.  Don’t delay!  Set your appointment now.  Contact me for questions, thoughts, and/or concerns ⇒. 

Contact Information:


Set an appointment with me now.